Assisting & Adjusting for Yoga Teachers Designed for yoga teachers seeking to enhance their ability to hold space for students using skilled assisting techniques including confident, compassionate touch. New and experienced teachers will benefit from the lessons, videos, and resources. Buy $120.00
1 Instructions for this course Welcome! About Your Teacher A Few Helpful Tips 2 Introduction to Assisting & Adjusting Introduction to Assisting & Adjusting Know Your Student Know the Asana Asking Permission 3 Intention & Action Ask: What Is My Intention in Offering the Assist? Intention: What Type of Assist? Keeping Students Centered The 3 C's of Assisting & Adjusting Assists - Hands On or Hands Off? While in the Assist: What Happens? 4 Using Props Intelligently The Tools (Yoga Props) **Practice With Someone** Tools In The Toolbox - Tips For Props 5 How-To Adjust Verbal Assists When NOT to Assist a Student 6 Challenges & Reminders Reminders - Practicing Sauca (aka Purity) Sauca & Communication What If A Student Doesn't Understand What I'm Offering?